
2016年12月2日—You'llfindtheserversattime.google.com–whichresolvesto216.239.35.0,aratherlessprettyIPaddressthanthe8.8.8.8and8.8.4.4 ...,AnycastaddressfornearestNTPserveroftheabove:...time/atomicclockandoffersthreepublicNTPservers....IPtransitoperatorhostsntp.epix.net.pl.,ThetablebelowliststhetimeserversusedbytheNISTInternetTimeService(ITS).Thetablelistseachserver'sname,IPaddress,andlocation,org...

Google turns on free public NTP servers that SMEAR TIME

2016年12月2日 — You'll find the servers at time.google.com – which resolves to, a rather less pretty IP address than the and ...

List of Top Public Time Servers

Anycast address for nearest NTP server of the above: ... time / atomic clock and offers three public NTP servers. ... IP transit operator hosts ntp.epix.net.pl.

NIST Internet Time Servers

The table below lists the time servers used by the NIST Internet Time Service (ITS). The table lists each server's name, IP address, and location, organized ...

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

The INRIM NTP servers can be reached by means of the following addresses: Address. IPv4 address. IPv6 address. Services. ntp1.inrim.it. 2001: ...

NTP Server

Next to “Server:”, enter the domain name or IP address of the required NTP server. If the “Internet Time” tab is not present, your PC may be part of a domain.


皆有內建ntp client及server程式, 請執行ntpdate (server address)來校時,也可至http://www.ntp.org下載最新版的ntp程式(ntp 4.x.x.tar.gz),以cc或gcc編譯。 Server ...


The pool.ntp.org project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers providing reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients.

Public NTP Time Servers

Here are some time servers that can be used for the master clocks in servers/IMB's:Google:While the actual URL for the Google public NTP servers is.

Taiwan — tw.pool.ntp.org

Taiwan — tw.pool.ntp.org. We need more servers in this country. If you have a server with a static IP, please consider joining the pool!


2019年8月4日 — 臉書Facebook - NTP Server time1.facebook.com time2.facebook.com ... 微軟Microsoft - NTP Server time.windows.com 參考資料: Windows作業系統, 預 ...

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